Seas and Yous | Metal-ity Public Art Exhibition at ArtSpace Maynard | Maynard, Massachusetts | 2020
Metal-ity is an outdoor public art exhibition being held on the grounds of ArtSpace Maynard through the summer of 2021. Working in tandem with many traditional metal artists, I had fun playing with the perception and capabilities of "metal" in this site-specific interactive installation - Seas and Yous. Drawing on the lexicon of Melville’s Moby Dick and Isamu Noguchi’s socially reflective sculpture, my hope is that participants can rock, recline, repose and rejuvenate! Hope to CU!
Installation materials: repurposed wood, corrugated galvanized steel, paint, reflective mylar, canvas, concrete, rope and tape
Installation materials: repurposed wood, corrugated galvanized steel, paint, reflective mylar, canvas, concrete, rope and tape